Earlier this week, Frugal Nosh wrote about CitySearch’s exciting new 3BuckBites.com…but what we didn’t know is that Frugal Nosh would be asked to become its newest LA Dictator. (!!!)
3BuckBites is a new food guide and food porn heaven by CitySearch for those “who crave cheap eats while satisfying their visual pleasures.”
The team of “Dictators” (including Jeff Zalaznick of New York’s AlwaysHungry and Jonathan Baker of CitySearch Atlanta – and now Frugal Nosh!) posts great quality foodie finds for $3.99 and under from their cities – including New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

an example of a “3BuckBite” from the website
More updates about 3BuckBites soon.
Check out 3BuckBites here: http://3buckbites.com
and see Frugal Nosh with the other Dictators here: http://3buckbites.com/about
Images used with permission from CitySearch and 3BuckBites.com
See Frugal Nosh’s writeup about 3BuckBites.com here: http://www.frugalnosh.com/2009/03/citysearchs-3buckbitescom.html
1 comment
omg. this sounds super exciting but I’m not really sure what it means so you will have to explain it to me in detail next time we speak. but I’m pretty sure a CONGRATS is in order…!!