Why I’ve been busy

by Kelsey

Even when I have big un-food-related news to share, you can bet your bottom dollar that I can tell the story with food-filled photos.

Once upon a time, Boy met Girl.

Monkey and Jasmine Tea, Tanner's Coffee Co

Boy went to Girl’s church his first week in L.A. Girl didn’t notice Boy, only heard other girls talking about “that new Boy.”

Boy was invited to lunch by another boy in the same community group as Girl. Boy and Girl sat across from each other at lunch. They talked about barefoot running.

Chilaquiles at Snug Harbor with company

Boy quickly became a member of community group and a friend. Boy and Girl went on hikes together with others, cooked delicious food with others, talked about life and love and what’s good and hard in this world, with others.

On a trip to the Grand Canyon with his sister, Boy realized it might be fun to do those things with just Girl. He went to a library to find Internet, sent an email, and asked Girl to coffee.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Engagement cake

Or, as Beyonce might put it: Andy liked it so he went and put a ring on it.

Photos (from top): Monkey and Jasmine tea from Tanners Coffee Co. (Culver City); chilaquiles at Snug Harbor (Los Angeles); homemade spiced cake for our engagement — with our name mashup, “KAndy.” Credits: Kelsey Ramos, all on an iPhone 4G.

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1 comment

Gaijin Jillian October 3, 2010 - 11:56 am

wait, what??? you got an iphone??

jk. i <3 it very much. and i'm not promising anything, but you may or may not see an inspired story of your love blossom imagined by someone not there to see it first hand.

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