The other day I had a craving for grilled pizza.
We felt a little of the laziness of summer and didn’t want to make pizza dough, so we used whole wheat tortillas from the fridge instead.
All of the ingredients were already in our fridge – it was awesome. Capers, salami, yellow squash, feta cheese, fresh spinach. Delicious and super fast for hungry eaters.
On Memorial Day weekend we got rained out of a backpacking trip, so we went to a friend’s parent’s place and ate spaghetti with slow-cooker meat sauce, her award-winning homemade rolls and scrumptious homemade boysenberry and cherry pie instead. Look at these things!!
We ate pie for dessert, then breakfast the next day, and lunch after that. We couldn’t get enough. 🙂
And the first weekend of June, it was a double birthday – for me and our friend Alese. We drove up to Deer Creek Reservoir, near Heber, and grilled burgers and ate fresh watermelon out by the lake under the snow-topped mountains. It was amazing.
Summer is so much fun.
What are your summer plans?
Share them in the comments below – we’d love to hear from you.