Banbury Cross

by Kelsey

Banbury Cross donuts

Had to let loose a donut pun. I am no fried dough connoisseur – in my opinion, anything deep-fried and covered in sugar can’t really go wrong – but Banbury Cross is worth the hype.

Made it over there the other day (it’s in Salt Lake near Liberty Park) and got an apple fritter, the monster pictured above on the right. It was fluffy yet cakey, sugary sweet and full of gooey apple goodness. Even the old-fashioned glazed, which looks a bit anemic compared to other old-fashioneds I’ve had, was pretty amazing. Hubs and I couldn’t decide which we liked better so we made fancy coffee and polished them both off to take away the pain of indecision.

Get there early for the best selection. Apparently their blueberry is one of the best but it was sold out when we got there at 10am.

I’m a fan, people! And as they say: “Donut worry, be happy!”

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