3 Cups

by Kelsey

3 Cups coffee and oatmeal cookie

3 Cups in downtown Holladay has quickly become my favorite coffee shop, which is no small feat.

This is why:

1. Quality coffee and a simple menu. Order a coffee to stay in a nice white mug and they give you a tiny coin-sized, house-made, buttery shortbread cookie with rotating flavors. I’ve had a lovely spiced one and one with little chopped apricots. Such a sweet touch (ha ha). A little pricey as far as coffee goes – $2.25 for a small drip – but this place has such ambiance and quality service that I don’t even hesitate.

2. House-made baked goods. Let’s be honest, people: I pretty much come just for these and I don’t even really like sweets very much. They are the best baked goods around, always with new options, and I’ve never been disappointed. The oatmeal cookie with sesame seeds was buttery and a perfect mix of crispy and chewy. The fluffy brioche has the perfect amount of dark chocolate inside. And there are always options that aren’t too sweet, which is nice for me.

They also have gelato, oatmeal with toppings like granola and berries, acai bowls with granola and fresh fruit, and the exotic-sounding smørrebrød (crisp bread with smoked trout, green olive, caper spread and house pickles, according to their menu) which all sound amazing and I must try sometime.

3. Excellent service with friendly and helpful staff. They always have a recommendation about the baked goods (so helpful that they know their products!) and most of them are super friendly. Low snootiness in an upscale coffee shop, which is harder and harder to find these days.

4. Comfortable, classy, airy cafe. It feels restful, not stressful, to spend time here alone or meet friends. Tons of seating and outlets. Lots of space so you don’t feel too close to other patrons and I’ve never had to search for seats (in nice weather there is patio seating in front and in back). Clean restrooms.

Downtown Holladay is fast becoming a destination I prefer away from busy downtown Salt Lake – there is plenty of easy-to-navigate parking and it feels like you’re in a small town on the main street. Charming and comfortable without the grit of downtown.

I get little bubbles of joy when I get an afternoon to relax in their lovely shop and see what amazing new baked goods are on display, and I always suggest to my friends that we meet here.

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think of 3 Cups – or what your favorite cafe is!

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